Authorization and Approval

Responsibility: Vice-President, University Relations 
Authorization: Board of Governors
Approval Date: May 11, 2001


To ensure that the request of donors to remain anonymous is respected, and to list those circumstances where this policy does not apply. This policy covers all charitable donations including an individual donor, an estate, a corporate donor, or a foundation gift.


The University of Saskatchewan respects the donor's right to anonymity. The University Relations office will maintain a record of each transaction/gift as required by Canada Customs and Revenue Agency. Access to those records is restricted to appropriate staff in the University Relations office, Financial Services Division and Officers of the University of Saskatchewan.

There may be circumstances, under the Freedom of Information Act, where the University must comply with any legal obligation to disclose the name of donors and the nature and value of their gifts.

Procedure summary

Donors will be provided an opportunity to indicate if they wish their charitable donation to the University of Saskatchewan to be considered anonymous. Where a donor has given more than one donation, they may request that any or all of their donations are to be considered anonymous. This information will be recorded and adhered to by the University Relations office.

Having indicated their desire for anonymity, a donor must provide, in writing, a request for any change to be made concerning the anonymity of his/her charitable gift.


If you have questions about this policy please contact:

Contact Person: Vice-President, University Relations
Phone: 306-966-5176