Authorization and Approval

Responsibility: Vice-President, Finance and Resources 
Authorization: Board of Governors
Approval Date: Oct 1, 1979
Amended: Feb 1, 1983 / Jul 3, 2002


As a public institution the University must ensure that its equipment, supplies, facilities and services are used for University purposes.


University property and services are to be used for activities that fulfill the University's mandate.

The University recognizes that faculty, staff and students may occasionally make incidental use of University property and services for personal purposes. Incidental personal use is defined as infrequent, random in nature, has a short duration, does not increase the University's costs, does not expose the University to additional risk, and is not part of an activity which the employee does for personal profit.

Use of University property and services is not permitted for any commercial activity other than that currently provided for in the collective agreements.

No personal purchases may be charged to university funds or made using university procurement and payment processes, even if the intent is to reimburse university funds.

Procedure summary

As more than incidental personal use is not permitted, other than as noted above, any personal use deemed to be more than incidental will require, at a minimum, that: 1) the University be reimbursed or a taxable benefit assessed, and 2) the usage be reduced to an incidental level or discontinued.

If the proposed incidental use of services or property exposes any person or the University to the risk of loss or legal liability as a result of bodily injury or property damage, the Dean, Department Head, Administrative Unit Head or other supervisory official shall require the user to complete and sign a waiver of liability form (available from Insurance Services) prior to commencement of the incidental use.

Each Dean, Department Head, Administrative Unit Head and supervisory official will ensure this policy is brought to the attention of his or her staff.


If you have questions about this policy please contact:

Contact Person: Director, Corporate Administration
Phone: 306-966-8781