Terms of Reference


To ensure consistency and coordination in the development, approval and communication of all University policies.


  • To develop and maintain a policy template for University policies and provide guidance regarding policy format.
  • To receive suggestions from members of the University community and to make recommendations on whether a new University policy is needed (or whether the purpose can be achieved by modifying or clarifying an existing policy, or through guidelines or procedures).
  • Where a new policy is being recommended for development, to identify an appropriate sponsor, advise about consultation (including advice about the need for legal review), and identify the appropriate approval path.
  • To assist the sponsor in an evaluation of the implications of the policy, including potential risks, costs, and infrastructure requirements.
  • Once a draft policy is received, to review the process of consultation and the implementation and communication plan, and to make a recommendation to the appropriate body (PCIP, PEC, President, Board, Council and/or Senate) for initial approval.
  • Require the regular review and updating of existing policies to reflect administrative and organizational realities.



  • University Secretary and Chief Governance Officer, Julian Demkiw

Committee members:

  • All Vice-Presidents and Associate Vice-Presidents
  • Deputy Provost
  • All Vice-Provosts and Associate Vice-Provosts
  • One Deans’ Council Representative
  • Two University Council members

Also attending:

  • Chief Audit Executive (non-voting)
  • Director, University Governance

Responsibility of Members

The committee will be collaborative and consensus-based providing recommendations that the committee as a whole supports.

Each member will review meeting documents and reference materials in advance of the meeting, and attend the meeting prepared to offer comment.


The Policy Oversight Committee has an advisory and coordinating role rather than a decision-making role. It does not have the authority to approve a policy nor to allocate resources.

Revised September 2017

