Authorization and Approval
Responsibility: USask Governance Office
Authorization: Board of Governors, University Council
Approval Date: May 11, 2001
Amended: Dec 9, 2011
To provide clarity and transparency concerning the authority and processes by which the University’s assets are named, and to ensure all university assets are named in accordance with the university’s mission and values.
In naming university assets, consideration should be given to factors such as
- academic purpose.
- functional or geographical clarity.
- reputational enhancement.
- honouring of worthy individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the university or its communities.
- recognition of special relationships with the university, including donor recognition.
Naming of university assets will align with the strategic direction and mission of the university, and will be guided by planning documents such as the Core Area Master Plan (including Planning Principles), and the project development process for capital projects, and will take into account the reputational implications for the institution as well as practical considerations.
The governing body responsible for approval of a name change (the Board of Governors or Council) will look to the unit(s) most closely affected for a recommendation for a change of name, always balancing the recommendation with an overriding concern for the best interests of the university in general.
Scope of this policy
Assets covered by this policy include, but are not limited to
- university-owned physical assets such as buildings; athletic and recreation facilities; parts of university buildings (classrooms, laboratories, theatres, hallways, lounges and lobbies); outdoor spaces (roads, walkways, walls of recognition, landscape, fountains, statues, signs, lighting, monuments, trees and plazas).
- organizational units that are part of the university (such as departments, colleges, centres and institutes).
- academic offerings (such as courses, fields of specialization, degrees, diplomas and certificates) approved by Council.
- awards and prizes (such as scholarships and bursaries) from funds controlled by the university.
- positions (such as chairs and professorships) controlled by the university.
The policy does not apply to chairs, professorships or other academic programs supported by Tri-Council granting agencies or similar agencies where these are governed by other policies.
The Board of Governors has the authority and responsibility for the naming of physical assets, and for recognition of donors and of worthy individuals through naming opportunities.
Council has authority and responsibility for the naming of academic offerings such as courses, degrees and fields of specialization. Council also has authority and responsibility for the naming of academic units when these describe the academic function of the unit.
In some cases, Council and the Board of Governors have a mutual interest in the naming of the university’s assets. Examples include centres, research chairs, professorships, scholarships, awards, and academic units or offerings, when the naming reflects both both the academic intent for the initiative and a naming opportunity related to donor recognition. The board recognizes Council’s significant interest in the naming of colleges, schools, libraries, centres, institutes, departments and divisions. In turn, Council recognizes that the board has been entrusted with powers and responsibilities for financial and administrative support for the academic programs of the institution, including fundraising.
Factors to be considered in naming assets should include functional or academic purpose, opportunities to honour individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the university or the community, and recognition of special relationships with the university including donor recognition.
Any academic unit that will be affected by a change to its name, or to the name of one of its programs or organizational units, will be given opportunities for input prior to any decision to effect such a change.
University assets will not be given names that are inconsistent with the university’s mission and purpose, or that imply the university’s endorsement of a political party, ideological position or commercial product. Such considerations, however, do not preclude a naming for an individual who has held public office, or for an individual or a company that manufactures or distributes commercial products.
All naming of university assets must be in compliance with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) legislation, specifically the Registered Charities and Income Tax Act, and any other applicable CRA regulations.
Named recognition may be revoked if, in the opinion of the approving body and following consultation with the affected units, circumstances respecting a recognized individual, organization or corporation contradict the mission and values of the University of Saskatchewan or if the named recognition is not in the best interest of the university.
Authority and responsibility
Board of Governors
Under The University of Saskatchewan Act, 1995, responsibility and authority for naming the university’s physical assets rests primarily with the Board of Governors, which is assigned the role of overseeing and directing all matters respecting the management, administration and control of the university’s property, revenues and financial affairs, including the approval of gifts to the university and of the terms of reference for such gifts. The Board of Governors also has the authority under the Act to provide for the establishment of colleges, schools, departments, chairs, endowed chairs or institutes, and of scholarships, fellowships, bursaries and exhibitions, if authorized by Council.
With respect to naming, the Board of Governors has responsibility and authority for
- the naming of the physical assets of the university, whether for honorific purposes, functional use or the recognition of special relationships with the University such as donor recognition.
- the naming of established colleges, libraries, schools, departments and divisions for honorific purposes or the recognition of special relationships such as donor recognition.
- the naming of established chairs, professorships, endowed chairs, centres and institutes, whether for honorific purposes or the recognition of special relationships such as donor recognition. Where the name reflects academic purpose, such naming will be carried out on the recommendation of Council.
- the naming of awards and prizes (such as scholarships and bursaries), whether for honorific purposes or the recognition of special relationships such as donor recognition. Where the name reflects academic purpose, such naming will be carried out on the recommendation of Council.
Under The University of Saskatchewan Act, 1995, responsibility for overseeing and directing the university’s academic affairs is vested in Council, which has the authority to grant degrees, diplomas, and certificates. Council also has the authority to authorize the board to provide for the establishment or disestablishment of colleges, schools, departments, chairs, endowed chairs and institutes, and to approve academic offerings such as courses and programs of study. Council has a significant interest in the names of the university’s assets as they reflect on the integrity and quality of the institution’s academic offerings.
With respect to naming, Council has responsibility and authority for
- the naming of all academic offerings (courses, fields of specialization, degrees, diplomas and certificates).
- the naming of colleges, libraries, schools, centres, departments and divisions, when the name reflects the academic purpose of these units.
- making recommendations to the Board of Governors on the naming of chairs, professorships, centres, institutes, awards and prizes (such as scholarships and bursaries), when the name reflects an academic purpose or activity.
The Board of Governors delegates the following responsibilities:
- (jointly with Council) to the Awards and Financial Aid Office and College awards offices, in consultation with University Relations, responsibility for the naming of awards, scholarships and bursaries in accordance with guidelines developed for such naming and approved by Council.
- to the President’s Advisory Committee on Naming University Assets, responsibility for approval of the naming or re-naming of assets as delegated by the Board of Governors under the procedures associated with this policy.
- To the President and Vice-presidents, responsibility for naming and approving name changes to administrative units under their respective jurisdictions.
Council delegates the following responsibilities:
- (jointly with the Board of Governors) to the Awards and Financial Aid Office in consultation with University Relations responsibility for the naming of awards, scholarships and bursaries in accordance with guidelines developed for such naming and approved by Council.
- to the Centres Subcommittee of the Planning and Priorities Committee of Council, responsibility for recommending to Council through the Planning and Priorities Committee on the naming of centres in accordance with the division of responsibility referenced above, and for developing procedures for a change of name in accordance with the University’s policy on centres and this policy.
- to the Academic Programs Committee of Council, in consultation with the Registrar, responsibility for naming fields of specialization and for approving changes to the names of fields of specialization.
- to College Faculty Councils, in consultation with the Registrar and subject to the course challenge process, responsibility for naming courses (i.e., course titles) and for approving changes to the names of courses under their respective jurisdiction where those course titles reflect the academic content of the course. Authority to approve names and changes to the names of departments remains with Council, on the recommendation of the College Faculty Council and after review by the Planning and Priorities Committee of Council.
In the case of responsibility that has been delegated to an administrative unit or committee, if a disagreement over a naming recommendation should arise, the final decision will rest with the governing body (i.e., Council or the Board of Governors) that made the delegation.
For the naming of campus assets for recognition purposes:
- University Relations has developed procedures and guidelines for naming campus assets for recognition purposes. Please phone 966-2246 for more information and assistance regarding naming a university asset in recognition of donors or other worthy individuals.
Terms of reference for the President's Advisory Committee on Naming University Assets.
For the naming of colleges, libraries, schools, departments and divisions or of academic offerings (courses, programs, degrees, diplomas and certificates) for academic purposes:
- Council has established procedures through its committees. Use this form.
For the naming of chairs, endowed chairs and professorships:
For the naming of centres and institutes:
For the naming of academic awards and prizes (such as scholarships and bursaries):
- Contact the Awards and Financial Aid office and/or University Relations
If you have questions about this policy please contact:
Contact Person: USask Governance Office
Phone: 306-966-6253