Authorization and Approval

Responsibility: Board of Governors
Authorization: Board of Governors
Approval Date: July 7, 2020; last updated October 28, 2020


The search for senior administrators is one of the highest priorities of the university. Searches must be well-planned and commence in a timely manner to permit the consideration of a wide range of qualified candidates, to provide for a smooth transition between leaders, and to ensure continued momentum towards the university’s commitments and strategic goals.

The review of incumbents in senior administrative positions provides an opportunity to assess the effectiveness of their leadership and their capacity to make an ongoing contribution to the achievement of the university’s strategic goals. The review may result either in a recommendation that the incumbent be reappointed, or a recommendation that the incumbent not be reappointed and a search undertaken.

This policy, and the accompanying procedures and guidelines, are intended to assist the search and review process in maintaining excellent administrative leadership in all parts of the university.

Scope of this Policy

This policy applies to the search and review processes for associate deans, associate directors of schools, vice-deans, deans (including the dean of the University Library), executive directors of schools and selected centres, vice-provosts, associate provosts, assistant provosts, associate vice-presidents, vice presidents and the president. The specific positions covered by this policy are listed in Appendix B.

The following criteria are applied to determine which senior positions should be subject to these provisions:

  1. Centrality of the position to the academic mission of the university. The closer the responsibilities of the position lie to the centre of the university’s academic mission the more imperative it is that the position is subject to the procedures.
  2. The academic decision-making authority vested in the position. If the incumbent in a position has the direct authority to decide academic outcomes and directions, the position should be subject to these provisions. Conversely, if the incumbent in a position primarily provides support and technical expertise, the position should not be subject to these procedures.
  3. The level of academic experience required by the position. If a position clearly requires academic experience in teaching and research, then careful consideration should be given to including it within the scope of these procedures. If a position clearly does not require academic experience in teaching and research (notwithstanding the possibility that an incumbent may have such experience), the position probably should not be subject to these procedures.
  4. The level of technical expertise required by the position. If a position has highly technical requirements, such that members of a search or review committee may not realistically be able to assess the quality or performance of a candidate or incumbent, the position should not be subject to these procedures. 


Principles for Search Committees

The following principles apply to search committees:


The search process, procedures and composition of the search committee will be readily available and accessible to all interested parties. The search committee will ensure consistent and meaningful communications to the community and the candidates about the process as it unfolds.

The principle of transparency must be balanced against the requirements of the search. Accordingly, the initial list of candidates will not be made public. When a short list of candidates has been established it is the responsibility of the search committee to determine whether the search will be confidential or open. If the search committee concludes that the search will be disadvantaged by requiring public presentations of the short-listed candidates, the committee, at its discretion, may continue the search process in confidence. In the absence of such evidence, the committee is encouraged to make every effort to involve faculty and staff through such means as forums or seminar presentations.


Search committees (except the search committee for the president) report to the Board of Governors through the president. The report will provide a rationale for the committee’s recommendation and include the majority and minority views (if any) held by committee members. The president will indicate to the Board concurrence or non-concurrence with the recommendation of the search committee.

The search committee for the president reports directly to the Board of Governors. The report will provide a rationale for the committee’s recommendation and include the majority and minority views (if any) held by committee members.


Information or documentation relating to any candidate will not be shared beyond the committee without the express permission of that candidate. The deliberations and documentation of the committee will not be shared beyond the committee except for the purposes of accountability as described above.


Those constituencies most directly affected by the position should be represented in the search process subject to reasonable limits on the size of the search committee, and the committee should be representative of and embody the diversity of our larger community. The composition of search committees for the positions within the scope of this policy is set out in Appendix A.


The process should include broad and extensive consultations with the university community and external constituencies regarding the university’s strategic needs as they relate to the position and the attributes and skills required of candidates to meet those needs. It is critically important that all committee members are working from the same base of information and that the significance of that information is considered by the entire committee.


Search committees should be formed expeditiously and begin work in a timely fashion to ensure the transition between academic administrators occurs as smoothly as possible. Interim appointments should be avoided whenever reasonably possible.


The search process will be respectful of all groups and individuals involved in the process, including the candidates.

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

The Mission, Vision and Values statement adopted by the university in 2016 identifies as a guiding principle of all university activity diversity, equality, and human dignity, and further names inclusiveness as a pervading value. In this context, search and review committees have a positive obligation to attend to considerations of diversity and inclusion in their work. One element of this obligation is to take into account the significance attached to Indigenization and reconciliation in the university’s articulated priorities.

In identifying and considering candidates, the committee has a positive obligation to take into account the importance of increasing the diversity and inclusiveness of the university’s administrative ranks. The university is committed to taking action to provide equity of access and opportunity in accordance with the principles of different ways of knowing, learning, and being; and diversity, equity, and human dignity.

As such, the search committee will conduct its work in accordance with employment equity policies. The search committee will conduct its work to ensure that equity group candidates and candidates from other protected groups are given fair consideration.

Equity relates specifically to four identified groups (persons with a disability, visible minority persons, women, and Indigenous peoples). In addition, the search committee will ensure that it does not discriminate on the basis of other grounds protected under human rights legislation including, but not limited to sexual orientation, religion, marital status, age, gender and sexual identity.

Conflict of Interest

Any real or perceived conflict of interest by a search committee member should be identified and disclosed as soon as a committee member becomes aware of it so that it may be appropriately considered by the committee. There are many possible relationships or interests that could constitute conflict of interest (see the university Conflict of Interest policy for a more complete discussion) but in particular, a committee member is in conflict of interest if he or she is biased for or against a candidate or has a close personal or professional relationship with that candidate.

Role of Individual Search Committee Members

The search committee is a deliberative body. While individual members bring the perspective of those constituencies most directly affected by the incumbent they are not explicitly representatives of those groups in the sense of a constituent assembly. Rather, their role on the committee is to exercise their independent judgment to seek the best candidate for the position. Input or feedback to the committee from constituent groups or individuals should be provided to the chair for the benefit of the entire committee.

Finite Role of the Search Committee

The work of the search committee is important but it is transitory: the appointees have no obligation to the search committee subsequent to their appointment.

Principles for Review Committees

The following principles apply to review committees:


The review process, procedures and composition of the review committee will be readily available and accessible to all interested parties. The review committee should ensure consistent and meaningful communications to the community and the incumbent about the process as it unfolds.


Review committees (except the review committee for the president) report to the Board of Governors through the president. The report will provide a rationale for the committee’s recommendation and include the majority and minority views (if any) held by committee members. The president shall indicate to the Board concurrence or non-concurrence with the recommendation of the review committee. The review committee for the president reports directly to the Board of Governors. The report will provide a rationale for the committee’s recommendation and include the majority and minority views (if any) held by committee members.

Confidentiality of Responses on Performance

Information or documentation relating to any incumbent will not be shared beyond the committee without the express permission of that incumbent. The deliberations and documentation of the committee will not be shared beyond the committee except for the purposes of accountability as described above.


Incumbents being reviewed must be aware of and have access to the materials that form the basis of their review.


Those constituencies most directly affected by the position should be represented in the review process subject to reasonable limits on the size of the review committee, and committees should be representative and embody the diversity of our larger community.


The process should include broad and extensive consultations with the University community and external constituencies regarding the university’s strategic needs as they relate to the position, the attributes and skills required to meet those needs, and the performance of the incumbent in relation to those needs, attributes and skills. It is critically important that all committee members are working from the same base of information and that the significance of that information is considered by the entire committee.


Review committees should be formed expeditiously and begin work in a timely fashion to ensure minimum possible disruption to the work of the incumbent, or in those situations where a search is recommended, to allow the search process itself to be undertaken in a timely fashion.


The review process will be respectful of all groups and individuals involved in the process, including the incumbent.

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

The review committee will conduct its work in accordance with the university’s employment equity policies. In assessing the incumbent, the committee has a positive obligation to take into account the university’s goal of increasing the diversity and inclusiveness of the administrative ranks. The university is committed to taking action to provide equity of access and opportunity in accordance with the principles of different ways of knowing, learning, and being; and diversity, equity, and human dignity. The review committee will conduct its work to ensure that an incumbent from an equity group or from other protected groups is given fair consideration.

Conflict of Interest

Any real or perceived conflict of interest by a review committee member shall be identified and disclosed as soon as a committee member becomes aware of it so that it may be appropriately considered by the committee. There are many possible relationships or interests that could constitute conflict of interest (see the university Conflict of Interest policy for a more complete discussion), but in particular, a committee member is in conflict of interest if that person has a close personal or professional relationship with the incumbent.


The role of the review committee is to consider the assessments submitted objectively and consider these in light of the incumbent’s capabilities and ability to lead their unit going forward.

Role of Individual Review Committee Members

The review committee is a deliberative body. While individual members bring the perspective of those constituencies most directly affected by the incumbent they are not explicitly representatives of those groups in the sense of a constituent assembly. Rather, their role on the committee is to exercise their independent judgment as to whether an incumbent should be reappointed. Input or feedback to the committee from constituent groups or individuals should be provided to the chair for the benefit of the entire committee.

Finite Role of the Review Committee

The work of the review committee is important but it is transitory: if an incumbent is reappointed they have no obligation to the review committee subsequent to their reappointment.


The University of Saskatchewan is committed to being a pre-eminent institution of higher learning. This can only be achieved with truly exceptional senior administrators leading, directing and equipping equally exceptional faculty and staff toward a shared vision of outstanding internationally recognized achievement. It is therefore critical that search and review procedures for senior administrators result in outstanding candidates being identified in the search process and retained and supported in the review process. It is likewise critical that recommended candidates are able to work with, support and complement the contributions of other senior administrators, faculty and staff. The goal of the search and review procedures for senior administrators is to identify, recruit, support and retain such truly exceptional individuals.

This policy contemplates that search and review committees will take into account the range of perspectives of their members and conduct their affairs in accordance with the principles set out above.


The Board of Governors is responsible for appointing senior administrators. In the case of associate deans and associate directors of schools, this responsibility has been delegated to the provost and vice-president academic.


The procedures to be followed by search and review committees are set out in the Procedures for Search and Review Committees for Senior Administrators linked to this policy.


This policy, and the procedures and guidelines, are subject to review from time to time, at the request of the Board of Governors, by the Joint Committee for Review of the Search and Review Procedures for Senior Administrators.

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Contact Information

For questions about this policy, contact the Office of the University Secretary and Chief Governance Officer.
