Authorization and Approval

Responsibility: President
Authorization: Board of Governors and University Council
Approval Date: October 15, 2020
Reformatted: n/a

*This policy replaced the Employment Equity Policy approved October 1, 1994.


To reaffirm our commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion. To create and nurture a diverse and inclusive university community ( defined under “Scope of this Policy” below) that encompasses our legal, moral, and ethical responsibilities.


This policy is in place to support the university community in bringing to life the principles of diversity, equality, human dignity, and manācihitowin and reflecting them back in our daily interactions and decisions. The university believes equity, diversity, inclusion, and a sense of belonging strengthen the community and enhance excellence, innovation, and creativity in all domains.


Equity:  taking the range of human attributes and qualities into account and providing each individual with what they need to be successful.

Equality: providing each individual with the same or similar opportunities and ensuring fairness in processes and outcomes so that each individual has an equal opportunity to make the most of their abilities.

Diversity: the range of human differences, including diverse talents, perspectives, backgrounds, worldviews, ways of knowing, skills, and abilities.

Manācihitowin: a Cree/Michif phrase that translates to ‘let us respect each other’.

Inclusion: ongoing practice of embracing equity, diversity, and manācihitowin and taking action to create a supportive and welcoming environment.

Belonging: when each individual is supported, respected, and valued for their identity and unique traits that make them different from each other. Belonging is feeling part of a collective that is co-created by diverse individuals in the university community.

Human Dignity: right to be safe, valued, respected, and treated ethically.

Scope of this Policy

This policy applies to all members of the university community, including students, researchers, post-doctoral fellows, staff, faculty, institutional leadership, members of governing bodies, all persons participating in university businesses or activities (e.g. visitor, service provider, contractor, volunteer).

It is recognized that the university has other policies in place that may relate to equity, diversity, inclusion, and belonging. This policy is intended to complement and build on our existing policy frameworks. This policy should be used and read in conjunction with other such policies and corresponding procedures. Some key policies include:

See Related Documents.


This policy conveys the university’s commitment to:

  • the principles of diversity, equality, and human dignity
  • the values of fairness and equitable treatment, inclusiveness, respect, collegiality, and integrity, honesty, and ethical behavior
  • the importance of a sense of belonging
  • the importance of seeking balance between inclusive practices and healthy academic discourse
  • diversity as one of the foundations of excellence in teaching and learning, engagement, research, and discovery

The University of Saskatchewan exemplifies its commitment to this policy through its mission, vision, and values, strategic plan, and equity, diversity, and inclusion plan.


All members of the university community share the responsibility for creating a supportive and inclusive environment. The university community is accountable to:

  • Foster a culture that embraces equity, diversity, inclusion, and belonging.
  • Acknowledge and address the biases, underlying beliefs and values, assumptions, and stereotypes that inhibit opportunity in work and learning environments.
  • Welcome, embrace, and foster positive, informed and inclusive attitudes towards each other.
  • Provide environments that are free of discrimination and harassment, and inclusive of all individuals.
  • Ensure the inclusion of perspectives and voices of underrepresented groups in decision-making.

College and Units are accountable to:

  • Critically review college/unit structures, systems, procedures, and processes to address disadvantage and underrepresentation.
  • Develop research, curriculum, and practices that support equity, diversity, inclusion, and belonging and have a positive impact in the broader community.
  • Critically review college/unit sanctioned documents, publications, and other works to ensure the use of inclusive and non-discriminatory language and images that reflect social and cultural diversity.
  • Provide physical and virtual environments that are accessible, including but not limited to the equipment and resources within them.
  • Create and sustain a welcoming environment in their college/unit that reflects social and cultural diversity through signage, art, ceremonial spaces, language, and inclusive cultural practices and protocols.

Institutional Leadership are accountable to:

  • Model the way for the university by demonstrating commitment and action toward a more equitable, diverse, and inclusive community.
  • Critically review institutional structures, systems, policies and procedures, and processes to address disadvantage and underrepresentation.
  • Critically review university sanctioned documents, publications, and other works to ensure the use of inclusive and non-discriminatory language and images that reflect social and cultural diversity.
  • Provide physical and virtual environments that are accessible, including but not limited to the equipment and resources within them.
  • Create and sustain a welcoming environment in common spaces that reflects social and cultural diversity through signage, art, ceremonial spaces, language, and inclusive cultural practices and protocols.


Demonstrating commitment and action toward a more equitable, diverse, and inclusive community requires reflection and active learning. As such, application of this policy will focus on providing the education, resources, and support to meet the accountabilities as outlined. All members of the university community are expected to understand equity, diversity, and inclusion and are responsible for the implementation of such within their scope of influence and authority.

The University of Saskatchewan and members of the university community are required to comply with all relevant legislation related to human rights and employment equity.

Formal complaints will be resolved through application of the appropriate university policy, regulations, guidelines, or collective bargaining agreements.

See Related Documents.

Related Documents


If you have questions about this policy, please contact:

Associate Vice President, People and Chief Human Resources Officer
