Authorization and Approval

Responsibility: Policy Oversight Committee 
Authorization: Board of Governors
Approval Date:   Feb 8, 1978
Reformatted:   Mar 30, 2001
Amended: Jun 1, 2006


To define a coordinated and consistent process for identification, development, approval and administration of all University policies, consistent with governing principles on which the activities of the University are based.


Policies exist to ensure that our processes and practices align with our strategic directions, our core principles and the regulatory and governance environment, to protect the University and its stakeholders, and to guide change. They describe the University's position on a particular issue. Procedures for implementation, communication and compliance monitoring should be developed for each policy.

A University policy is one which is intended to

  • state the University's position on issues which have university-wide application;
  • reflect and uphold the University's governing principles;
  • identify and prescribe compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and other policies;
  • promote operational efficiencies; - enhance the University's mission and/or reduce institutional risk;
  • provide decision makers with limits, alternatives and guidance;
  • change infrequently.

Under the University's tricameral governance structure, University policies may be subject to the approval of one or more of the Board of Governors, University Council and Senate.

Other policies with more local applicability may exist at the college, department or unit level. While such policies are always subject to university-wide policies, their development, approval and administration are outside the scope of this policy and these procedures.

Process for Policy Development, Approval and Administration

Policy Development

  1. Identification of Need
    Any member of the University community may suggest that a new University policy, or revision to an existing policy, is required.

  2. Approval of Concept
    A proposal for a new policy, or revision to an existing policy, will be considered by a Policy Oversight Committee composed of senior members of the University community who represent both administrative and academic spheres of authority and responsibility. Following an assessment of need, the Policy Oversight Committee may recommend that policy development proceed, and if so will identify an appropriate sponsor, provide a template, advise about consultation (including advice about the need for legal review), and identify the appropriate approval path. The Committee may also assist sponsors in an evaluation of the implications of the policy, including potential risks, costs, and infrastructure requirements.

  3. Drafting and Consultation
    The designated sponsor, who may be, for example, a dean, department head, director, or other senior administrator, will take responsibility for drafting the policy, including a communications plan and an implementation plan. The sponsor will also be responsible for carrying out appropriate consultation and (where recommended by the Policy Oversight Committee) for seeking legal advice.

Policy Approval

  1. Recommendation for Approval
    The Policy Oversight Committee will receive the draft policy, review and comment on matters such as the format, the implementation and communication plan, the process of consultation and the appropriate approval path, and will forward the draft policy to the relevant body (PEC, PCIP, or a Committee of the Board, of Council or Senate) for initial approval.

  2. Initial Approval
    The draft policy will be reviewed and a decision made whether to recommend the policy to the Board of Governors and/or Council and/or Senate for approval.

  3. Final Approval
    The appropriate governance body will make a decision whether to approve the policy.

Policy Administration

  1. Implementation of the New Policy
    Once approved, introduction and implementation of the policy will be the responsibility of the sponsor. The policy should be communicated to all relevant units and employees, and arrangements should be made by the sponsor for appropriate training, interpretation, and compliance monitoring.

  2. Maintenance of the Policy Portfolio: The USask Governance Office will take responsibility for curatorial aspects of the administration of policies, including keeping a directory of all approved policies and making these available on the University's web site.

  3. Policy Portfolio Review: The Policy Oversight Committee will undertake periodic reviews of existing policies, identifying anachronisms, gaps and overlaps, and monitoring the effectiveness of the institution's ongoing administration of its policies.


If you have questions about this policy please contact:

University Secretary and Chief Governance Officer
 Governance Office